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28.08.2015 - Summer in The centre of environmental education Dropie

Summer months are not only the school holiday time and holiday by the sea. In The centre of environmental education Dropie several excursions took place for children from primary schools, day nurseries and summer camps, who could learn in a playful way about beauties and treasures of Žitný ostrov, an importance of insect as a significant element of birds´ food, need of pollinators in the country and the opportunities how we can increase the biodiversity in the garden or in school campus. 

Children could have a firsthand experience of the work of ornithologist and bird ringing within ornithological walk to SPA Ostrovné lúky. Next, they could try to build a hang a bird box. For us - lecturers, it was also a test of new educational programs that are being prepared under the project LIFE - Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky in cooperation with the Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ). Our goal is to attractively present the irreplaceable role of each organism or parts of the environment in the country around us.

It is nice to watch direct reactions of children to activities which we came up with, watch them as they observe simple insect hotel with recently "glued" a straw of knotweed (aggressive invasive herb that occupy large areas and reduces the natural biodiversity) by solitary wasp.

The manual will also be prepared with a guidance on how to build an insect hotel, a bird feeder or bird box, boxes for bats, will contain basics for flower bed planting, what would provide food for insect. And the insect can be subsequently caught by birds, which can be caught by fox and over and over again. Because only such a country is really alive.