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E - Actions to raise public awareness and disseminate projects conservation achievements

E.1: Project web page (BROZ)

- the general public including stakeholders will have an access to information about project activities and results as well as target species through a web page available in different languages

    Achieved results

- project website http://www.broz.sk/chvu-ostrovne-luky is running continuosly and is permanently updated; English and Hungarian language mutations were launched as planned 

E.2: Publishing of information-materials (BROZ)

- brochures, leaflets, final reports for public, stickers, postcards, posters, calendars will help to inform and educate public about project aims and its importance for the target species conservation

   Achieved results

- implementation of this action has continued by contacting photographers for making suitable pool of pictures (photos) of target species, project area and etc.; first negotiations about graphic motives also took place

E.3: Installation of information panels (SAŽP)

- 10 information panels, 3 interactive “experience panels” and 2 solar information poles will be installed within the project site to inform visitors about target species and their protection

   Achieved results

- the work has started on the content, graphics, performance and the design of the planned panels (10 informational, 3 interactive)

- the documents are being prepared for the specification of solar info panels and there is an ongoing communication with relevant experts on innovative technologies

E.4: Installation of observation towers (SAŽP)

- there will be two birdwatching towers placed in project area which will include two panels: one presenting various land use practices and various habitats and the other one describing a typical way of flying and predating movements of birds, so visitors could easily detect and determine bird species

Achieved results

- the exact positions of bird-watching towers were located

E.5: Educational program for schools and living-insect hotels (SAŽP)

- the program is based on a creation of microhabitats in practice and using them for an education about natural science and conservation issues; such microhabitats will consist of herbal and „butterfly“ gardens, strips of flower and herbaceous vegetation, „insect hotels“ – shelter for various insect, stony habitats for lizards, places for snake hibernation, there will be native trees planted, small wetland created for breeding of insect, the bird boxes and perches will be installed

   Achieved results

- currently, work has been underway on the preparation of the Environmental education program (EEP) Insect adventures for pupils of I. and II. grade of primary school

- the content structure, defined target groups, the methodology of the program, the way of involving and registering of schools, educational material, set of activities are being prepared for EEP

- one of the main activities will be constructing of an insect hotel in the area of every involved school which will also represent a live insect museum

- a part of the activity is also preparation of a handbook of EEP Insect adventures

E.6: Experience sharing, educating and workshops for project personnel, key stakeholders and decision makers (SAŽP)

- education and training will be organized in a form of three two-day study visits providing first-hand experience in the areas where the similar management practices are used for nature conservation; five workshops will be organized for target groups

    Achieved results

 - work has been underway on developing the content of workshops for stakeholders and other target groups in SPA Ostrovné lúky

 - the main objective of the workshops will be a positive influence for all parties concerned in the administration, use and land management in SPA Ostrovné lúky

Selected target groups:

Municipalities in SPA Ostrovné lúky
- Farmers farming in the area of interest
Utility administrators in the area of interest (road menders, electricians, millers, water management experts)
- Volunteers

E.7: Promotion documentary film (BROZ)

- this film will be an attractive way to present the project area, its habitats and target species and it will document the progress of project activities

E.8: Presentations and field excursions for students and public (SAŽP)

- presentations and field excursions for students and public with an expert guide will provide the best experience for the participants

Achieved results

- presentations and excursions for schools and public are going on in SPA Ostrovné, e.g. ornitologhical excursion, mapping of green infrastructure, manufacturing and hanging of bird boxes; every year, there is an environmental competition Hypericum 

  27th March 2015

- program for International Forest Day (21.3.) took place on the ground of primary school Zemianska Olča, activities were focused on learning about trees and forest and its importance for birds 

  22nd May 2015

- in May 2015 environmental competition Hypericum took place, this year´s topic was a biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems

  28th August 2015

- during the summer 2015 several excursions for children from primary schools, day nurseries and child camps took place in the Centre of environmental education Dropie, the part of the program was also ornithological walk and manufacture and installation of boxes for birds 

E.9: Promotion of the project on conferences and through media (BROZ)

- promotion of the target species, the project, its objectives, methods and conservation achievements is beneficial both for support of the project implementation and public awareness raising

   Achieved results

- articles published: 3 (1 article in 2014 + 2 articles in 2015) in Enviromagazín journal

1. Hypericum 2014 (Enviromagazín 2/2014)

2. Koniec zimy bol vždy spätý s orezávaním hlavových vŕb (Enviromagazín 1/2015)
   (The end of winter has always been bounded with trimming of pollard willows)

3. Prečo ekologické poľnohospodárstvo? (Enviromagazín 3/2015)
   (Why ecological agriculture?)