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Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky - LIFE12 NAT/SK/001155


Na DEŇ STROMOV vznikol nový slovenský envirorekord

21.10.2017 - New Slovak envirorecord in tree planting

Within the International Tree Day the new Slovak envirorecord in tree planting was achieved in NATURA 2000 site SPA Ostrovné lúky
Študijná cesta

05.05.2017 - Study trip "Cooperation and nature protection in the area NP Neusiedler See – Seewinkel a Fertő tó"

within the study trip we visited national parks Fertö-Hanság in Hungary and Neusiedler See-Seewinkel in Austria
Súťaž pre školy: Hypericum 2017

24.04.2017 - The school competition: Hypericum 2017

On 19th April, the 18th year of Hypericum environmental contest took place in CEE SAŽP Dropie for primary schools
Pozvánka na súťaž pre školy: Hypericum 2017

19.04.2017 - Invitation for environmental contest for primary schools: Hypericum 2017

Are you a primary school and are you interested in environmental education? Join the environmental contest Hypericum which is organised yearly by Slovak Environmental Agency.
Študijná cesta

10.04.2017 - Study trip „How to change a school garden?“

From 5th to 6th April 2017 the study trip „How to change a school garden?“ took place within the project LIFE12 NAT/SK/001155.
Pozvánka na študijnú cestu

05.04.2017 - Invitation for study trip "How to change the school garden?"

From 5th to 7th April 2017, The Centre for Environmental Education SAŽP Dropie is organizing the study trip named „How to change the school garden?“ within the project LIFE12 NAT/SK/001155 Ochrana vtákov v CHVÚ Ostrovné lúky.
Víkendovka: hlavové vŕby

17.03.2017 - Weekend workshop Trimming of pollard willows

We invite you on behalf of Slovak Environmental Agency for the weekend workshop dedicated to the trimming of pollard willows that will take place on 17th - 19th March 2017 at CEE SAŽP Dropie
Výsadba ovocných stromov a vešanie vtáčich búdok v CHVÚ Ostrovné lúky

21.11.2016 - Planting of trees and putting up of bird boxes in SPA Ostrovné lúky

In November 2016, we managed to plant 60 fruit trees - old varieties of pears, cherries and apricots characteristic of the Rye Island, and put up 70 bird boxes.
Dá sa hospodáriť efektívne a v súlade s prírodou?

02.11.2016 - Is it possible to farm efectively and in harmony with nature?

Study trip for local farmers from SPA Ostrovné lúky in NP Hortobágy, Hungary from 25th - 26th October
Workshop pre poľnohospodárov v CHVÚ Ostrovné lúky

27.10.2016 - Workshop for farmers in SPA Ostrovné lúky

We would like to invite you to a workshop for farmers with a focus on Agroenvironmental Schemes in the Ostrovné lúky, which will be held on 3rd November at CEE SAŽP Dropie.
Hmyzí hotel v MŠ Slniečko

30.09.2016 - The insect hotel in kindergarten Slniečko (Sun)

We announce the construction of the first insect hotel in kindergarten Slniečko in Nové Zámky after the workshop. Children built it themselves, with the assistance of teachers, parents and our colleagues from The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie. In the spring they can closely observe the inhabitants of their hotel directly to the yard of the kindergarten. Let it buzz at all schoolyards!
Workshop Tajomstvá hávede je za nami

31.08.2016 - The Secret Life of Pests workshop is behind us

From 24th to 26th August 2016, the people with unusual interest got together in The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie. All three days were dedicated to the new environmental educational program The Secret Life of Bugs.
Tajomstvá hávede

24.08.2016 - The Secret Life of Pests

The workshop for primary school teachers and environmental education lecturers on the 24th – 26th August 2016 in The Centre for Environmental education Dropie, Zemianska Olča
Workshop k projektu Ochrana vtákov v CHVÚ Ostrovné lúky

26.04.2016 - Project workshop Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky

We invite you to project workshop Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky on 26th April 2016 in The Centre of Environmental Education Dropie SAŽP
Víkendovka sadenia stromov ku dňu Zeme

22.04.2016 - Tree planting weekend workshop within the Earth Day

We invite you to another weekend workshop, this time dedicated to tree planting! From 22nd-24th April in SPA Ostrovné lúky
Víkendovka venovaná hlavovým vŕbam je za nami

10.03.2016 - Third weekend workshop dedicated to pollard willows is behind us

We have met already third time at the weekend workshop dedicated o trimming of pollard willows and willow traditional management, the weather was excellent, the mood was pleasant and we managed to trim more than 10 willows. Thank you for coming!
Pozývame Vás na víkend venovaný hlavovým vŕbam

26.02.2016 - We invite you to a weekend dedicated to pollard willows

Come and relax in voluntary active-educational event dedicated to the pollard willows at CEE Dropie and if you have used stoppers made of cork or plastic and old picture frames at home, bring them along and we will create an original board!
Leto v Stredisku environmentálnej výchovy Dropie

28.08.2015 - Summer in The centre of environmental education Dropie

Children could attend excursions in Dropie, see an ornithologist and bird banding or make and hang a bird box
Envirosúťaž Hypericum na Dropiom

22.05.2015 - Environmental competition Hypericum in Dropie

The topic of this year´s competition was a biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems
Medzinárodný deň lesov na ZŠ Zemianska Olča

27.03.2015 - International Forest Day in primary school Zemianska Olča

Pupils from primary school Zemianska Olča were learning about trees and forest and their importance for birds, volunteers helped to clean the surroundings of Kosztolányi cross
Víkendovka orezávania hlavových vŕb

08.03.2015 - Trimming of pollard willows

Second workshop on trimming of pollard willows together with workshop of basketry
Zatrávňovanie pásov pri vetrolamoch

10.04.2014 - Grassed strips along the windbreaks

6 metres wide grassed strips along windbreaks as potential feeding sites for the Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor) and Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus)and nesting sites for Tawny Pipit (Anthus Campestris)
Víkendovka orezávania hlavových vŕb

21.02.2014 - Trimming of pollard willows

First workshop on trimming of pollard willows in Dropie