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Basic information and objectives

Project title: Conservation of birds in SPA Ostrovné lúky

Project scheme: LIFE+, Nature and Biodiversity
Acronym: LIFE - Ostrovné lúky
Project code: LIFE12 NAT/SK/001155
Duration: 01/01/2014 – 31/12/2018
Budget: 2 672 353 € (50 % contribution by European Commission)

Program LIFE

Project objectives:

Project general objective is to contribute to habitat restoration for Annex I species of Birds Directive – Lesser Grey Shrike (Lanius minor), Tawny Pipit (Anthus campestris) and Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) in SPA Ostrovné lúky through establishing a suitable model management of the agricultural land and restoration of their feeding and nesting habitats.

Specific objectives:

1. Restoration of feeding and nesting habitats by reintroduction of traditional land management, such as grazing or hay making

2. Restoration of wetlands, pollard willows stands, herbaceous and flower fallows with high diversity of insects as primary food source of all target species

3. Restoration of nesting and perching sites

4. Restoration of biocorridors network that apart from its primary migratory function provides also feeding and nesting opportunities for target species

5. Land lease or purchase with purpose to create land use patterns of feeding and nesting habitats and introduce it to appropriate management for target species

6. Increase of overall landscape and species diversity to support habitat and food requirements of target species

7. Acquiring of accurate and up-to-date scientific data on target species

8. Awareness rising of key stakeholders and public