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Nature protection

Slovak part of project area is protected under viarious categories of national and European importance.

ImageProtected landscape area Dunajské luhy 
Designed in 1998 at the Danube lowland along the Slovak and Slovak-Hungarian sections of the Danube river from Bratislava to Komárno with extent of 12 284 ha. 

The whole area of the PLA was in 1993 in the extent more than 14 000 hectars designed as a wetland of an international importance according to the Ramsar Convention.

Small protected areas 

National natural reserves:
• Ostrov orliaka morského Island of the white-tailed eagle
• ?í?ovské m?tve rameno ?í?ov oxbow lake

Natural reserves:
• Starý háj
• Dunajské ostrovy
• Ostrovné lú?ky
• Kopá?sky ostrov
• Gajc
• Topoľové hony
• Zlatniansky luh

Protected areas:
• Poľovnícky les
• Bajdel 

Natural monuments: 
• Panský diel
• Kráľovská lúka

NATURA 2000 Sites 


SPA Dunajské luhy

16 511,58 ha

SPA Dunajské luhy is designed for protection of breeding populations ofHaliaeetus albicilla, Egretta garzetta, Milvus migrans, Ixobrychus minutus, Larus melanocephalus, Sterna hirundo, Alcedo atthis, Anas querquedula, Tringa totanus, Netta rufina, Anas strepera, Anthus campestris, Ciconia nigra, Circus aeruginosus and Riparia riparia. It is an important migration locality for regular 20 000 bird visitors and a wintering place for more than 70 000 individuals of water birds.

Sites of Community Importance

SKUEV0064 Bratislavské luhy - 668,23 ha

SKUEV0182 ?í?ovské luhy - 459,6 ha

SKUEV0183 Veľkolélsky ostrov - 328,65 ha

SKUEV0269 Ostrovné lú?ky - 613,56 ha

SKUEV0270 Hru?ov - 33,14 ha

SKUEV0293 Kľú?ovské rameno - 539,82 ha

SKUEV0295 Biskupické luhy - 869,03 ha

SKUEV0393 Dunaj - 1511,17 ha