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Plants and habitats

Reed-grass associations live either tied to the bottom or floating on the quiet open water of dead branches and reed-bulrush-sedge associations can be found on the edges of low banks. There are scrub willows on the wet parts (on lower areas and on the wide banks), the soft wooded strip of willows-poplars is a bit higher, then hard wooded gallery forests, oak-ash-elm forests can be found on the drier areas.

In the willow-poplar strip there are alder groves or mixed alder groves at several places. The alder groves are often mixed with grey alder (Alnus incana) or fluttering elm at other places. These areas are often turned into an impenetrable jungle by the wild vine and patches of the otherwise rare black currant (Ribes nigrum) can often be found. 

The European bird cherry Prunus padus, the great maple Acer pseudoplatanus, the wayfaring tree Viburnum lantana, the cornels Cornaceae and the hawthornCrataegus grow in the hardwooded forests of higher areas, yellow anemoneAnemone ranunculoides, ground-elder Aegopodium podagraria, the broad-leaved Solomon's-seal Polygonatum latifolium, the lily-of-the-valley Convallaria and several species of orchids Orchidaceaebloom at lower parts. 

The flora in Szigetköz include 1010 species and 80 plant communities, of which 60 are natural, and 15 are of relic nature of outstanding value. The significance of the ecosystem of Szigetköz is also proved by the fact that 20% of all plant species and 30% of all animal species under protection in Hungary can be found here.