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LIFE Projektek Szlovákiában

Szlovákiában 2002-t?l mostanáig 15 projektet hagytak jóvá és további 4 projektben a szlovák kérvényez?k partnerekként vettek részt. A BROZ szervezet különféle állami szervezetekkel együttm?ködve 5 projektben szerepelt.


LIFE projektek – Természet 


LIFE03 NAT/SK/000098 
Conservation of Aquila heliaca in the Carpathian basin 
- beneficiary and partners: Raptor protection Slovakia (RPS), ŠOP SR, West-Slovakian energetics, a.s.

LIFE03 NAT/SK/000097 
Conservation and management of Danube floodplain forests 
- beneficiary and partners: BROZ, ŠOP SR, NP Donau Auen

LIFE03 NAT/SK/000096
Restoration of Water Regime in Sur Fen Nature Reserve 
- beneficiary and partners: Association of industry and nature conservation, ŠOP SR, Slovak water management company, Slovak land fund, city Svätý Jur 


LIFE04 NAT/SK/000244
Conservation of habitat diversity in Slovenský Raj National Park 
- beneficiary and partners: ŠOP SR, Daphne, Scouting Slovakia, Fores research institute, village Hrabu?ice, Associations of villages Slovenský Raj


LIFE05 NAT/SK/000115
Conservation of Otis tarda in Slovakia 
- beneficiary and partners: ŠOP SR, SOVS, RPS, village Lehnice, Hunting association Lehnice

LIFE05 NAT/SK/000112
Restoration of Wetlands at Zahorie Lowland 
- beneficiary and partners: ŠOP SR, BROZ, Slovak water management company 


LIFE06 NAT/SK/000115
Restoration and Management of Sand Dunes Habitats in Zahorie Military Training Area 
- beneficiary and partners: Military technical and testing institute, BROZ, ŠOP SR Záhorie

LIFE06 NAT/SK/000114
Conservation of Senne and Medzibodrozie SPAs in Slovakia 
- beneficiary and partners: ŠOP SR, SOVS, Zemplín museup Michalovce, villages Senné, I?a?ovce, Blatná Polianka, Ha?ín, Hunting association Ostrovík

LIFE06 NAT/H/000096
Conservation of Falco cherrug in the Carpathian basin 
- beneficiary and partners: National Parks: Bükk, Aggtelek, Balaton, Duna-Dráva, Duna-Ipoly, Fertö-Hanság, Hortobágy, Körös-Maros, Kiskunság, Örsög, MME/BirdLife Hungary, E-misszió Environmental Association, Pro Vértes Public Foundation for Nature Conservation, Raptor Protection of Slovakia, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia, West-Slovak Electric Company


LIFE07 NAT/SK/000707
Conservation of Endangered Bird Species Populations in Natural Habitats of the Danube Inland Delta 
- beneficiary and partners: BROZ, VV ?.p., Agravia, PrifUK, EDUKOVIZIG, SZITE


LIFE08 NAT/SK/000239
Conservation of root vole *Microtus oeconomus mehelyi 
- beneficiary and partners: BROZ, VUVH, PrifUK, NP Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Pisztráng Kör, Society for study and protection of mammals, The Netherlands, MoE SR

LIFE projektek - Környezet 


• LIFE03 ENV/SK/000577
Integrated Logistics for Use of Biomass Energy 
- beneficiary: Association Biomasa


LIFE04 ENV/SK/000797
Sustainable Development of Cities and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change on Quality of Life and to the environment in cities 
- beneficiary and partners: REC Slovakia, city Púchov, Living Planet, MoE SR

LIFE04 ENV/HU/000382
Implementation of an innovative Decision Support Tool for the Sustainable water and land-use management planning and Flow Suppelmentation of the Hungarian-Slovakian Transboundary Danube Wetland Area (Szigetköz) 
- beneficiary and partners: Association of Municipalities of Slovakian -Hungarian Transboundary Danube Wetland Area, Geonardo Ltd., VITUKI - Water Resources Research Centre, EDUVIZIG – North Transdanubian Water Management Authority, Hungary 

LIFE04 ENV/SK/000796
Innovative Approach in waste reduction of propylene oxide production 
- beneficiary: Novácke chemické závody, a.s.


LIFE08 ENV/SK/000240
Creative high efficient and effective use of biomass
- beneficiary: Association Biomasa

LIFE Projektek – Információ és kommunikáció


LIFE08 INF/SK/000243
Enhancement of Public Awareness of the Importance of Water for Life, its Protection and Sustainable Use in Accordance with the Water Framework Directive 
- beneficiary and partners: VÚVH, SAŽP, Daphne