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Basic information


European wetlands and their biodiversity are under threat as most of them have been converted to other land uses or strongly modified. They are fragmented, polluted, affected by intrusive human activities and stripped of their rich wildlife.

But with the loss of wetland biodiversity come the loss of valuable ecosystem services. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (1997) estimated the world’s wetlands to be worth US$15 trillion.

There is significant potential to restore modified wetlands and reconnect fragmented ecosystems. CEEweb’s restoration project aims to combine practical restoration with ensuring that local, site-level action is replicated and scaled up to the regional level. In order to do this, we will measure restoration impacts and benefits and communicate them to decision makers. CEEweb believes that true protection of wetland biodiversity and ecosystem services can only be ensured if restored hotspots are incorporated into a wider Green Infrastructure network.

CEEweb for Biodiversity, together with its partners: Milvus Group Romania, BROZ Slovakia and Estonian Fund for Nature has launched the project “Building BlueGreen infrstructure in Central- Eastern Europe: from pilot projects to regional action” supported by the Michael Otto Foundation.

The project aims to combine practical wetland restoration in Slovakia, Romania and Estonia, measure the accompanying change in ecosystem services and use this information to advocate for meeting the Biodiversity Strategy restoration commitments. CEEweb wants to ensure that local, site-level action is replicated and scaled up to the regional level and restored wetlands become part of a Green Infrastructure Network.

Coordinating beneficiary:

CEEweb for Biodiverzity

Project partners:

Bratislavské regionálne ochranárske združenie – BROZ (Slovakia)

Estonian Fund for Nature (Estonia)

Milvus Group (Romania)

Project duration: 01/01/2015 – 31/12/2015