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Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats - LIFE14 NAT/SK/001306

The project is related to the large area of the river Danube branch  system in Slovakia in  localities Dobrohošť - Sap, Klúčovské and Číčovské branches,  Čiližsky creek and to wetlands,  in the river alluvium Váh, Ipeľ and the Danube. In Hungary, the project is related to  the National Park Danube – Ipeľ area

The common aims of all the measures that will be implemented in the project are: to ensure sufficient amount of water for these increasingly drying areas and ensure a suitable water regime for the native  plant and animal species.

Arranging those conditions by measures suggested in the project – groundwater resources close to wetlands will be naturally supplemented – which is another significant benefit of this project.

Main results of the project are - reconstruction or   technical objects in a branch system , like  small barriers, , culverts, inlets, outlets, etc. All  measures will be prepared in close cooperation with project partners – Water research institute and Water management construction, state enterprise, and other stakeholders (for example SVP – State water management company)

Expected results:

- Minimum 5 technical facilities in branches will be reconstructed or built, so that to achieve the greatest environmental benefit (enough water and suitable water regime).

-   Water regime will be improved on 1850 ha in the river Danube branch system.

-  At least two insulated side branches will be reconnected to the Danube.

- Branches will be restored to its full length of 4500 m (various barriers - deposits, residue    extraction, etc., which prevent the flow of water will be removed).

-  At least 57,500 native trees will be planted.

- River branches  and wetlands ,revitalized by water, will be able to fix CO2 from the atmosphere, thus reducing the impacts of climate change (return of the  investment thus restored wetlands, is, according to expert estimates, 100 times higher comparing to common  mitigation measures focused to reduce the impact of climate change).

Conservation status of rare species of plants, animals and habitats of floodplain forests and wetlands in the project area (belonging to the Natura 2000 network), will be improved, also flood protection will be improved.

Such a large project has not been implemented in Slovakia yet, and it will serve as a model for other similar projects in the future.