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A short layman’s introduction about project

This project is about revival of old river branches in the locality Kralova Luka (close to the village Bodiky in the South of Slovakia, close to the border with Hungary). These river branches do not have enough water now and thus they threatened by extinction. These river branches belong to the system of river branches of large Danube’s inland delta, which is our largest inland wetland (it means, to make it simple - a specific ecosystem where the water is present whole year).


BROZ can implement this project thanks to financial support from Michael Otto Foundation.

The river branches in Kralova Luka site are currently nearly dried- out, because they are from different reasons detached from the main water flow in river Danube: for example, the connection with the main river flow was interrupted when the Gabcikovo river dam was constructed; they were cut off by access road; purposely dried – out by drainage channel, in order the land there could be used for other purposes (for example, commercial forestry; or the river branches were levelled with adjacent terrain by sediment material from surrounding trees (leaves, branches) or by residual material from wood cutting activities.

All these activities caused that the water almost completely disappeared from river branches and plants dependent from the water abundance almost died out. With disappeared water, also animals which depend on this kind of ecosystem disappeared. For example, fish lost their places for reproduction and places where their fish fry (little fishes) can live. For amphibians, reptiles and water snails there are also only few suitable places for living.  Instead of original plant and animal species the other species live there, especially those which do not need so much water. Some of them are not your native plant species. They are invasive plants, which occurred here from other countries and continents and they are displacing out our native plants. Such invasive plant species is for example boxelder (Negundo aceroides L.), which came from the North America.


With help of project activities, we will try to reverse this trend: we will try to bring back water in their original quantity there and resuscitate native wetland life in this part of our Nature. In order it will be in such state as it was before. Because it is natural to be like that and it is the best status for this part of the Earth. It is necessary to restore, what people in the past destroyed by their activity. It is our duty. In order we all have had enough water. In order we all – plants, animals and humans have had suitable place to live.


What specifically we will do there?



We will: 

  • remove trees – mostly invasive alien species Negundo aceroides – growing on the barriers within the river branches and inside the dried sections, for example here: vyschnuté rameno
  • remove various barriers from branch system including remains of forest logging or unused forest roads, constructed temporarily during lodging, for example here: zvyšky po ťažbe
  • betonovy most

  • prerušené riečne rameno

  • deepen several parts of the river branches on the places where the sedimentation was most intensive during last few years, usually behind the artificial barriers, for example here: rameno zarovnene s terenom
  • re-connect small isolated branches and wetlands to the branch system, for example here: vyschnute rameno s vyrastenou vegetaciou
  • re-connection of the entire river branch system to the adjacent main river branches with good water supply on the places where it was connected in the past , for example here:rameno a cesta cez neho


Do you want to know more about the project or do you want to volunteer in some of the project actions? Then you can contact us on this e- mail address:  Karolína Sobeková (sobekova(at)broz.sk)



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05.03.2015 - DOBROVOĽNÍCKA AKCIA: Vyvetraj si hlavu - poď s nami sadiť stromy a vyčistiť časť ramenného systému pri obci Bodíky.

Pozývame vás na dobrovoľnícku akciu: " Poď s nami sadiť stromy a vyčistiť časť ramenného systému pri obci Bodíky."
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