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LIFE projects in Hungary

Hungary has 35 approved projects since 2000, out of which 22 are for nature protection and 13 for environment.


Projekty LIFE - Nature


LIFE00 NAT/H/007162 
Funding the base of long term large carnivore conservation in Hungary 
- beneficiary and partners: St Stephens University, Ministry of Environment Hungary 


LIFE02 NAT/H/008627
Conservation of Aquila heliaca in the Carpathian basin 
- beneficiary: MME-BirdLife Hungary 

LIFE02 NAT/H/008630 
The practical protection of (Angelica palustris) habitats 
- beneficiary and partners: E-misszió, Hortobágy National Park, Liget Public Foundation, Society of Young Botanists 

LIFE02 NAT/H/008634 
Restoration of pannonic steppes, marshes of Hortobágy National Park 
- beneficiary: Hortobágy National park 

LIFE02 NAT/H/008638 
Habitat management of Hortóbagy eco-region for bird protection 
- beneficiary and partners: Hortobágy Ecological Co-operative Society, Péterne Rósza, Hortobágy Society for Gene Preservation and Nature Conservation 


LIFE03 NAT/H/000167 
Restoration of Pannonic forests and grasslands on the Szénás-hills 
- beneficiary: Duna-Ipoly National Park 


LIFE04 NAT/HU/000109 
Conservation of Otis tarda in Hungary 
- beneficiary and partners: national parks: Kiskunság, Bükk, Fertö-Hanság, Hortobágy, Körös-Maros, Hortobágy Nature Conservation Company, Bihar Nature Conservation & Cultural Public Foundation, Tiszatáj Environmental & Nature Conservation Public Foundation, University of West-Hungary, MME BirdLife Hungary 

LIFE04 NAT/HU/000116 
Establishing the background of saving the Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) from extinction 
- beneficiary and partners: MME BirdLife Hungary, National parks Duna-Ipoly and Kiskunság

LIFE04 NAT/HU/000118 
Complex habitat rehabilitation of the Central Bereg Plain, Northeast Hungary 
- beneficiary: Hortobágy National park 

LIFE04 NAT/HU/000119 
Grassland restoration and marsh protectin in Egyek-Pusztakócs 
- beneficiary and partners: Hortobágy National Park, Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, University of Debrecen


LIFE05 NAT/H/000117 
Habitat management on the Pannonian grasslands in Hungary 
- beneficiary and partners: Duna-Dráva National Park Directorate, Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Mr. Imre Papp, Mrs. Viszlóné Erzsébet Oláh 

LIFE05 NAT/H/000122 
Conservation of Falco vespertinus in the Pannonian Region 
- beneficiary and partners: National Parks: Körös-Maros, Bükk, Duna-Ipoly, Hortobágy, Kiskunság, MME/BirdLife Hungary, Environment Protection Agency of Bihor County, Romania, Milvus Group, Romania 


LIFE06 NAT/H/000096 
Conservation of Falco cherrug in the Carpathian basin 
- beneficiary and partners: National Parks: Bükk, Aggtelek, Balaton, Duna-Dráva, Duna-Ipoly, Fertö-Hanság, Hortobágy, Körös-Maros, Kiskunság, Örsög, MME/BirdLife Hungary, E-misszió Environmental Association, Pro Vértes Public Foundation for Nature Conservation, Raptor Protection of Slovakia, State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic, Society for the Protection of Birds in Slovakia, West-Slovak Electric Company 

LIFE06 NAT/H/000098 
Conservation of Euro-siberian steppic woods and Pannonic sand steppes in "Nagykörösi pusztai tölgyesek" pSCI 
- beneficiary and partners: National Park Duna-Ipoly, Nagykörös city, WWF Hungary 

LIFE06 NAT/H/000102 
Restoration and grassland management of Felsö-Kongó meadows 
- beneficiary: Balaton national park 

LIFE06 NAT/H/000104 
Conservation of the Pannon endemic Dianthus diutinus 
- beneficiary and partners: National Parks: Kiskunság, Duna-Ipoly, University of Szeged, Kiskunmajsa 


LIFE07 NAT/H/000320 
Conservation of alluvial habitats of community interest on the Szabadság Island and side channel in Béda-Karapancsa pSCI 
- beneficiary and partners: WWF, Duna-Dráva National Park, Lower Danube Valley Environmental and Water Affairs Directorate, Trans-Danubian Regional Water Supplier 

LIFE07 NAT/H/000321
Restoration and conservation of priority habitats and species in the Eastern Bakony area 
- beneficiary and partners: Hungarian Ministry of Defence Infrastructure Agency,HM VERGA Zrt, Balaton National Park, AQUAPROFIT 

LIFE07 NAT/H/000322 
Conservation of Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) in the Carpathian-basin
- beneficiary and partners: MME BirdLife Hungary, National Parks Kiskunság, Fert?-Hanság, Neusiedler See-Seewinkel, Austria, Budapest ZOO, Schönbrunn ZOO Vienna, Compound Eye Film Ltd., Research Institute of Wildlife Ecology Vienna, Austria 

LIFE07 NAT/H/000324 
Restoration of sodic lake sub-type of the Pannonic salt steppe and marsh habitat in the Hortobágy
- beneficiary and partners: Hortobágy Environmental Association, Foundation for the Nagy-szik of Balmazújváros, Tiszatáj Public Foundation for Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation, Hortobágy National Park Directorate

Projects LIFE - Environment


LIFE00 ENV/H/000933 
Used tyres recycling
- beneficiary: REGUM KFT 

LIFE00 ENV/H/000936 
Establishment and operation of a regional biomonitoring network for the assessment of air quality - East Hungarian Biomonitoring Network 
- beneficiary and partners: Environmental Protection Inspectorate, Cities Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Békéscsaba, Békéscsaba, Szeged, Öko-kör, E-misszió, White club, Csemete 


LIFE02 ENV/H/000435 
Utilization of Hazardous Waste
- beneficiary: KÖRTE-ORGANICA

LIFE02 ENV/H/000440 
Implementation of a biogas treatment unit and CO2 exploitation unit at the Anaerobic Digester (AD) Facility in Sajobabony / Hungary (BiogasConvert) in order to close recycling gap 
- beneficiary and partners: Framex-Bio-Energie Kft, Farmatic biotech energy AG

LIFE02 ENV/H/000442 
Implementation of a brand-new environmental-friendly innovative technology for collecting, shrinking and recycling extended polystyrene (EPS) waste
- beneficiary: MEDIMPEX Trading Company Ltd.

LIFE02 ENV/H/000443 
Integrated wastewater treatment and landfill recultivation by means of development of a closed-cycle rhizospheric biological wastewater treatment system on the top of a small municipal landfill of waste site - a solution for rural areas 
- beneficiary: Municipality of Magosliget


LIFE03 ENV/H/000272 
Selective collection of wastes of the information society - pilot testing in Central Eastern Europe
- beneficiary and partners: Domestic Regional Development Co., GEONARDO, ATLAS Environmental Services Co-operation, Ati Depo

LIFE03 ENV/H/000273 
Implementing an Integrated Decision Support System for the Sustainable Management of Tourism in the Lake Balaton Region - An innovative Solution for Sustainable Tourism 
- beneficiary and partners: Lake Balaton Development Coordination Agency, GEONARDO, Eotvos Lorand University, Association of Lake Balaton’s Civil Forums

LIFE03 ENV/H/000280 
Sustainable use and management rehabilitation of flood plain in the Middle Tisza District 
- beneficiary and partners: Middle-Tisza District Water Authority, VITUKI, Hortobágy National Park, VIZITERV CONSULT, EUROSENSE, Belgium, Károly Róbert College, Hungary

LIFE03 ENV/H/000291 
Integrated (Multi-level inundation) water management system solving flood-protection, nature conservation and rural employment challenges 
- beneficiary and partners: ÁBKSZ Kht., ELTE University, Department of Physical Geography, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Bükk National Park, Cötkény Regional Development Alliance 


LIFE04 ENV/HU/000362 
Utlisation of waste ink-dust for the production of bituminous isolation plates
- beneficiary: ISOLA Budapesti Fedellemezgyar

LIFE04 ENV/HU/000372 
Modern and environmental friendly composting methods of agricultural waste
- beneficiary: Bio-Fungi Termeloe es Kereskedelmi Kft

LIFE04 ENV/HU/000374 
Removal of toxic heavy metals from waste water by special yeast produced by bioconversion on food byproducts - an integrated solution for wastewater treatment 
- beneficiary and partners: TIARA Co. Ltd, KÉKI, E&E, Biopetrol, 

LIFE04 ENV/HU/000382 
Implementation of an innovative Decision Support Tool for the Sustainable water and land-use management planning and Flow Suppelmentation of the Hungarian-Slovakian Transboundary Danube Wetland Area (Szigetköz) 
- beneficiary and partners: Association of Municipalities of Slovakian -Hungarian Transboundary Danube Wetland Area, Geonardo Ltd., VITUKI - Water Resources Research Centre, EDUVIZIG – North Transdanubian Water Management Authority, Hungary


LIFE05 ENV/H/000418 
Sustainable management and treatment of arsenic bearing groundwater in Southern Hungary
- beneficiary and partners: Körös Valley District Environmental Protection and Water Directorate, Makó Térségi Víziközmü kft., Bálint Analitica, Smaragd GSH, SELOR, Netherlands, GTK, Finland, RAAC, Romania