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Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region - LIFE10 NAT/SK/080

Networking  vo Švajčiarsku

03.04.2018 - Networking in Switzerland

In March 2018, in order to share project outputs with other organizations abroad, we spent a week at the Primaria Primary School and at the Verein true move NGO in St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Revitalizácia potoka Porec

02.01.2018 - Revitalizácia potoka Porec

V septembri 2017 sa nášmu projektovému partnerovi DAPHNE, podarilo zrevitalizovať časť úseku potoka Porec na Záhorí.
Networking zameraný na vodné revitalizácie

14.11.2017 - Networking zameraný na vodné revitalizácie

Dňa 14.11.2017 sa uskutočnil networking so zástupcami rakúskeho LIFE projektu, ktorý bol zameraný na vodné revitalizácie.
Odborný workshop Ako zrevitalizovať dunajské rameno?

12.10.2017 - Professional Workshop how to restore Danube river branch?

On October 5, 2017 we present our activities in professional workshop Ecological management and restoration of river branches
Sprístupnenie štôlne Slovinec pre netopiere v Devíne

04.09.2017 - Accessing of Slovinec adit for bats in Devín

In cooperation with the SAOLA - Nature Conservation, Civic association and State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak republic we opened this adit for bats.
Oprava chodníka na Devínskej Kobyle

12.07.2017 - Repair of hicking trail in National nature reserve Devínska Kobyla

From 24th March to 28th March took place the repair of hicking trail in Devínska Kobyla.
Networking s maďarským partnerom projektu Obnova a manažment dunajských lužných biotopov - LIFE14 NAT/SK/001306

27.06.2017 - Networking with hungarian partner of the project Restoration and management of Danube floodplain habitats - LIFE14 NAT/SK/001306

On June 27th 2017 took place the other networking, which was focused on exchange of experience in the field of wood preservation in the Danube floodplain forest.
Prezentácia projektu na podujatí ,,20 rokov BROZ – 25 rokov LIFE“

19.06.2017 - Presentation the project at the even "20 years of BROZ - 25 years of LIFE program"

This year is associated with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ) and we also celebrate the 25th anniversay of the LIFE program. BROZ organized that event for representatives of Professional and general public.
Revitalizácia Karloveského ramena - dokumentárny film

12.06.2017 - Restoration of Karloveské rameno river branch - documentary film

Do you know Danube river and Karloveské rameno river branch? Let´s go, we´ll show you its new story.
Kosačky na zlatobyľ

31.05.2017 - ,,Mowers on goldenrod"

In Slovak weekly newspaper called Život was published article about grazing in our project locality SKUEV Biskupické luhy. In the article is explained the importance of grazing, which is realized on some localities in Bratislava.
Workshop - SKUEV Dunajské luhy

16.05.2017 - Workshop - Danube floodplain forest

Within our project we organized the other workshop. The main topic was our the biggest project area – Danube floodplain forest.
Rozkvitnutý Waitov lom

09.05.2017 - Blooming Weittov quarry

Devínska Kobyla is one of the most important botanical localities in Bratislava and also in Slovakia. In the part of Devínska Kobyla, called Weittov Quarry, there are blooming orchids and the other rare plants.
Televízna diskusia o Devínskej Kobyle

07.02.2017 - TV debate about Devínska Kobyla

In the debate on television Devínskonovoveská TV project manger Andrej Devečka described area of Devínska Kobyla, and also its significant and importance of conservation of this locality for conservation of unique nature values, which are characterized for Devinska Kobyla.
Monitoring kôz v areáli Geologického múzea

13.01.2017 - Monitoring of goats in the area of Geological museum

Little "boffins" from Primary school in Hargašova street in Záhorská Bystrica realized very interesting project which is called Monitoring of movement of animals in nature conservation within the competition for primary a secondary schools.
Revitalizácia štôlne Medené Hámre

18.11.2016 - Restoration of Medené Hámre adit

Within activity C.6 Restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves we managed the restoration of Medené Hámre Adit in cooperation with State Nature conservancy and citizens association Miniopterus in cadastral territory of village Borinka.
Prezentácia projektu v rámci konferencie Nationalparks Austria Jahreskonferenz

03.10.2016 - Presentation of project within the conference Nationalparks Austria Jahreskonferenz

Within the conference Nationalparks Jahreskonferenz 2016, the directors os six Austrian national parks visited Bratislava on 10th October 2016. The chairman of Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) Tomáš Kušík presented them restoration of Devínske rameno river branch and Andrej Kovarik from State Nature conservancy presented them Sedláčkov island. Austrian conservationists positively evalueted the state of natural environment on this areas and they expressed the support of the intention of Declaration of National park Podunajsko.

Návšteva eurokomisára pre životné prostredie na Devínskej Kobyle

06.09.2016 - Visit of European Commissioner for the environment in SKUEV Devínska Kobyla

Europian Commissioner for the environment Karmenu Vella visited the project localities - SKUEV Devínska Kobyla a SKUEV Bratislavské luhy.
Exkurzia v rámci

19.08.2016 - Excursion within "Writing seminar on the LIFE"

On 19th august 2016 took place excursion within the conference „Writing seminar on the LIFE“ in the project areas - SKUEV Bratislavské luhy and SKUEV Devínska Kobyla
Netradičné pozorovacie veže v území Szigetkoz

15.08.2016 - Untraditional watching hides the area Szigetkoz

Project partner Pisztráng Kör (Trout Circle) installed a untraditional watching hides in the area Szigetkoz.
TV reportáž - Pastva na Devínskej Kobyle a Kampaň adoptuj si kozu

09.08.2016 - Television report - Grazing on Devinska Kobyla and campaign: „Adoptuj si kozu“ (Adopt a Goat)

Introduction of grazing on Devinska Kobyla and campaign „Adoptuj si kozu“ Adopt a goat in regional TV – Television of west Slovakia.
Obnova mokrade Dunajské Kriviny

31.07.2016 - Restoration of Dunajské kriviny wetland

During the spring months, we restored the next part of Dunajské kriviny wetland. This locality was the part of large system of river branches, wetlands a floodplain forests – the system, which still creates the inland Delta of the Danube river.
Krátke video o význame pastvy v chránených územiach

29.07.2016 - A short video about the importance of grazing in protected areas.

Have a look at short amateur movie about grazing and its importance in protected areas.
Obnova vzácnych lesostepných biotopov v Biskupických luhoch

08.07.2016 - Restoration of rare forest-steppe habitats in Biskupice floodplain forest

After restoration of traditional grazing in Biskupice floodplain forest thanks to projest Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region, was eliminated strong monoculture of invasive species of Solidago sp. Traditional grazing is ideal method for the restoration of original species composition.
Tlačová konferencia k revitalizácii Karloveského ramena

03.06.2016 - Press conference to the Restoration of Karloveské rameno rivier branch

Press conference on the occasion of Restoration of Karloveské rameno river branch
Networking so slovinským LIFE projektom

27.05.2016 - Networking with Slovenian LIFE Project

The Networking was focused on, bilateral exchange of experience between projects Restoration of NATURA 2000 sites in cross-border Bratislava capital region - LIFE 10 NAT / SK / 080 and the Slovenian project LIFE11 NAT/SI/000882 Riparian ecosystem restoration of the lower Drava river in Slovenia.
Odborný seminár „Migrácia rýb a bariéry na tokoch“

20.05.2016 - Professional workshop ,,Fish migration and barriers on the stream“

From 20th to 21st May 2016 took place Professional workshop called ,,Fish migration and barriers on the stream“
Nové altánky a lavičky pre návštevníkov Národnej prírodnej rezervácie Devínska Kobyla

05.05.2016 - 5.5.2016 - New gazebos and benches for visitors to the National Nature Reserve Devínska Kobyla

In March were installed by State Nature conservany two new summerhouses and five new seats for visitors in this important locality. Wood barriers near paleontological sites Sandberg were recovered too.
Obnova pôvodného drevinového zloženia v lesných biotopoch

31.03.2016 - Restoration and management of forest habitats

Have a look at short documentary video about project activity C.1 - Restoration and management of forest habitats.
Obnova vzácnych lúk v NPR Devínska Kobyla

21.03.2016 - Restoration of rare grassland in the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla

In the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla finished first phase of restoration of rare grasslands.
Voda je život - živé mŕtvé ramená

12.02.2016 - The water is life - living river side-arms

Article about importance of wetlands and restorations of Danube river branches in Slovak daily paper.
Otvorenie náučného areálu na Devínskej Kobyle

30.09.2015 - Opening of educational trail at Devinska Kobyla

On Wednesday 30.9.2015, was opened interactive educational trail at Devínska Kobyla Nature Reserve in the vicinity of Bratislava. This reserve with its rare steppe fauna and flora belongs to the most unique and most visited nature treasures of the capital. Nature trail will help to raise public awareness and get support to maintain the valuable habitats.
Začiatok pastvy v Geologickom múzeu

23.09.2015 - Grazing at new locality in NNR Devínska Kobyla

From the spring 2015 new grazing locality within project NaturaBA has been prepared for restoration of biotops in surroundings - volunteers cleaned the area, collected litter and these days you can find around 20 animals grazing at protected meadows nearby.
Čistenie Devínskeho ramena

11.09.2015 - Day with volunteers at Devinske rameno side arm

On Friday 11th September BROZ with volunteers took part at cleaning of Devinske rameno side arm - at outflow part. Several bags with rubbish have been removed from site and also an intresting lecture about this protected area from employees from State Nature Conservancy has been realised. Thank you for your help!
Sprietočnenie Devínskeho ramena - krátke dokumentačné video

11.08.2015 - Short amateur project movie about revitalisation of Devinske river branch

Have a look at short amateur movie prepared during realization of project activity C.5 Restoration of Devinske rameno river branch, that was realized in April 2015.
Dobrovoľnícka akcia v NPR Devínska Kobyla

06.05.2015 - Volunteer event in the Nature reservation Devínska Kobyla

Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) in cooperation with civic association Space and sculpture and non-profit organization Barbora organized volunteer event in the Nature Reservation Devínska Kobyla.
Tlačová konferencia pri príležitosti sprietočnenia Devínskeho ramena

24.03.2015 - The story of Devínske rameno river branch

The character of the Danube in Bratislava was strongly influenced by river banks regulation, deepening the riverbed and elevating the water level by construction of Gabčíkovo Dam. The shallow parts, sought by many fish species for reproduction, are now absent. Such conditions were often found in side river arms in the past. For Danube fish, the restoration of side river arms is a significant improvement, especially in the case of Devínske rameno river branch which was previously cut off the main stream for most of the year. Living conditions favoring occurence of many fish species improved, all the while supporting their reproduction and development of the young.
Revitalizácia Devínskeho ramena

19.02.2015 - Restoration of Devínske rameno river branch

Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) is acquiring the latest building permits in for starting restoration of Devínske rameno river branch.
Svetový deň mokradí

02.02.2015 - World day of wetlands

Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable development (BROZ) published press release on the occasion of World day of wetlands.
Objavte druhú tvár Devínskej Kobyly

10.09.2014 - Discover the other cheek of Devínska Kobyla

Elements placed along the blue marked tourist path from Sandberg to Weitov quarry present the area of Devínska Kobyla not only as a natural treasure, but also as an important paleontological site with an extraordinary history . There are 7 newly installed educational-artistic elements to be found here, with the theme of flora and fauna of the Devínska Kobyla, paleontological site, or the importance of grazing in protected areas.
Svetový deň biodiverzity v Bratislave

22.05.2014 - The World Biodiversity Day in Bratislava

Meet and discover fishes of the Danube River and their environment. Stay informed by the activities that focus on the conservation of key fish species and try to improve their environment.
Deň mokradí

02.02.2014 - Wetlands Day

Each year on February 2nd we commemorate the World Day of Wetlands, habitats that are home to rare plant and animal species - many of which are already critically endangered. In 2014 the main topic is also the relationship of wetlands and agriculture and promotion of partnership between conservationists and farmers by their protection and use.
Revitalizačné opatrenia na rieke Morava - exkurzia a výmena skúseností s projektom LIFE+ Lower Morava Floodplains

18.10.2013 - Restoration measures on the River Morava – a field trip and exchange of experience with the project LIFE + Lower Morava Floodplains

The visit focused on bilateral exchange of experience in restoration measures on the River Morava. The currently running LIFE + project Lower Morava floodplains, is based on previous projects of revitalization of side arms, meanders and shore fortifications. Within the exchange of experience, we visited three sites in the area between Angern and Markthof.
Štúdijná návšteva zameraná na pastevný manažment v chránených územiach v Rakúsku

19.09.2013 - A study visit focused on grazing management in protected areas in Austria

On 19.-20.9. 2013, within the project Natura 2000 BA, we participated along with representatives of the SNC, Daphne, Bratislava Magistrate and the Regional Office for the Environment, in an interesting study visit in Austria, aimed at successful examples of pasture management in protected areas. We visited the sites Lobau, Bisamberg, Glaslauterriegel-Heferlberg-Fluxberg and Hundsheim.
Po viac ako 50tich rokoch sa opäť pasú zvieratá na Devínskej Kobyle

01.08.2013 - After more than 50 years animals graze again on Devínska Kobyla

BROZ launched an activity in the NNR Devínska Kobyla today- restoration of a traditional grazing. On the lower terrace of the Weitov quarry, in an electrical enclosure, there is an initial herd of 23 goats, which will supervised by a shepherd, gradually pasture area of about six hectares.
31.7.2013 Začiatky pastvy na Devínskej Kobyle

31.07.2013 - 31.7.2013 The beginnings of grazing on Devínska Kobyla

A press conference to launch grazing in Weitov quarry.
Prednáška pre verejnosť - pastva v SKÚEV Šúr

10.07.2013 - Lecture to the public – Grazing in SPA Šúr

We invite the public to a lecture focused on the performance of project activities - planned management measures in SKUEV Šúr. On 03.07.2013 at 17.30 at the premises AI NOVA, Saint Jur.
Odstraňovanie nepôvodných druhov drevín s dobrovoľníkmi

27.04.2013 - Removing of invasive tree species with volunteers

On Saturday 27.4., we met in the area of European importance Ostrovné lúčky at Rusovce, to spent active time together with volunteers removing non-native tree and shrub species and planting additional trees with the help of the community geocachers.
Jarné upratovanie Karloveského ramena

06.04.2013 - A Spring Cleaning of the Karloveské side arrm

Cleaning of the valuable site of Community importance along Karloveské arm took place today - thanks to an abundant participation of volunteers from the Green Patrol, Greenpeace, OZ Karloveská Bay and many others, but especially with the strong support and cooperation of BVS, we removed several containers full of garbage from the site and made life easier for example for breeding birds in the area.
Svetový deň mokradí

06.02.2013 - World Wetlands Day

For conservationists from BROZ, it is important not only to restore and protect wetlands, but also to highlight their important role in the ecosystem, of which man is a part. Therefore, activities to improve information and awareness among the general public, are one of the priorities.
Výsadba pôvodných druhov drevín v Dunajských luhoch

30.11.2012 - Planting of native tree and shrub species in the Danube Floodplains

At the end of the year, BROZ once again carried out the planting of native tree and shrub species in the area of the Danube floodplains. There are further planting activities planned in the spring of this year, in which schools and public can take part of. These will be associated with a professional lecture and a short excursion to the site.
Návšteva v CHKO České středohorí

27.06.2012 - A Visit to the PLA České středohorí

Based on an earlier visit of colleagues from České středohorí, who visited in the spring, along with mayors and officials, Devínska Kobyla, we were invited to the PLA to see their project areas and types of management of steppe habitats.
Vyhlásenie chráneného areálu Sihoť

28.05.2012 - The Declaration of a Protected Area Sihoť

By May 15 the river island with pristine nature, alluvial forests, source of drinking water, dynamically flowing Karloveské arm, or for example, the largest European Black Woodpecker, a protected area with the second and third level of protection. The ceremonial declaration of the Protected Area took place in the Water Museum.
Vyhlásenie chráneného areálu Pečniansky les

25.04.2012 - The Declaration of a Protected Area Pečniansky forest

In the briefing room of the Water Research Institute at the Danube embankment, overlooking the woods of the new protected forest area Pečniansky forest, representatives of the Municipality of the City of Bratislava, the City District Petržalka, State Nature Conservancy, Austrian Danube-Auen National Park, BVS, and Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development (BROZ), came together to celebrate the result of many years of efforts of the Bratislava conservationists to protect this precious area.