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D – Results dissemination

We realize various promotion actions during the project: 

Action D.1: Web site development and maintenance 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
Website is running.

Action D.2: Publishing of information, educational and promotional materials 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
All published materials can be found in section Publications
Recent status
We publish wall calendars, project leaflets in Slovak, English, Hungarian and German language. We publishe also information booklets, turist map, postcards, pocket calendars and  labels. We prepared gifts and surprises for children and adults too. 

Action D.3: Installation of information panels 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
We installed 20 information panels along the project area. All planned information panels were prepared and located along the Danube River and the project site. The locations for information panels were directly places of visible restoration actions or strategical points and places of access to protected areas, where maximum people can see the panels. Information panels were made of wooden construction with metal roof against rain and metal underlay, where the exterior sticker with the graphical design is placed. This construction is rather damage resistant. Also positive messages for readers of panels (no prohibitions or warnings from fine due to breaking of regulations) prevented intentional damaging of the panels.

Action D.4: Installation of bird watching towers 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
We built two towers for observation of birds and other wildlife for experts and visitors of the project area. The high bird watching tower is near the village Baka (photo) and the small tower is in Čunovo, the part of Bratislava.(photo)

Action D.5: Communication and regular meetings with stakeholders 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
Constant communication with stakeholders and meetings with stakeholders was organized. Topics of the meetings: existing regulations and their enforcement in selected localities, importance of selected localities for nature and birds conservation, promotion of functioning nature conservation models from other protected areas, coordination of stakeholders activities to tackle conservation problems, regulation of visitors flow in information of protected areas visitors including local inhabitants. 

Action D.6: Presentations and field excursions for students and public 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
Numerous presentations and field excursions for students and public were realized. Different field events were organized, where the visitors can take active part in simple nature conservation activities such as collection and removal of the waste, marking of protected areas etc. Expert guide guaranteed that visitors can have the best experience from the visit (technical explanation, information, answering questions, attractive natural features, observation of wildlife, etc.) and at the same time, they do not caused damage on the nature and environment. 
List of realised actions in in section Archive

Action D.7: Interactive travelling exhibition - Bird life in Danube floodplains 
Responsible beneficiary: SZITE
This exhibition showed to the people in a very effective way the importance of the protection of the targeted bird species and habitats. All major towns and main villages connected to the project site on both sides of Danube river (both in Slovakia and in Hungary) were visited by the exhibition. Opening of exhibition took place on 7 December 2009 in Gyor Press releaseThe exhibition visited approximately 30 places in Slovak republic and Hungary. The exhibition has great popularity by visitors. The exhibition saw a total of 20 390 visitors.

Action D.8: Presentation book - Birds of Danube floodplains 
Responsible beneficiary: PriF UK.
Presentation book “Birds of Danube floodplains” was published at the end of the project, with text, tables, graphs, maps and photographs. 

Action D.9: Promotion of project on conferences and in media 
Responsible beneficiary: BROZ
We promoted the project at conferences, organized press conferences and published various articles in press, magazines and on internet including radio and TV reportages. All media outputs are in section Media outputs