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D - Monitoring of impacts of project actions

D.1: Monitoring of an impact of project actions on populations of target species (Prif UK)

- every year the entire project site and its vicinity will be checked for all breeding pairs of the target species in the period May-July; subsequently the breeding success of the target species will be evaluated

Achieved results

- during the breeding season we have monitored occurence status of all target species before realisation of the project actions

- there was no record of any breeding pair of Falco vespertinus and Anthus campestris within this area (or near the boundaries of SPA Ostrovné lúky),  and we could confirm the presence of four pairs of Lanius minor - all of them were found in habitats with preserved fragments of grasslands along roads, perching sites and trees suitable for breeding

D.2: Socio-economic monitoring of project actions impact (Prif UK)

- socio-economic monitoring will assess impacts of the project on local inhabitant and their perception of restoration actions; direct and non-direct benefits will be evaluated; surveys will be evaluated using standard socio-economic data analysis

Achieved results

- preliminary socio-economic monitoring was prepared with focus on different aspects, such as geographical and traffic situation, structure of inhabitants (based on age, religion, nationality, education), employment dynamics and unemployment rate of all municipalities that belong to the SPA Ostrovné lúky