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SPA Dunajské luhy, Bratislava - Petržalka, Ružinov

Several years abandoned meadows of overall area 15 ha were fully overgrown by goldenrod (Solidago gigantea, S. canadensis) and other invasive plants, shrubs (e.g. Swida sanguinea, Rubus agg.) and trees (e.g. Negundo aceroides, Fraxinus pensylvanica). Both areas are directly behind the long part of Danube river banks included in expert study as one of restoration possibility of feeding habitats for target species. Until 2012 the breeding colony of Snad Martin (Riparia riparia) was known from these places (right as well as left river banks). 

From April to September the restoration works took place. Works started by milling of shrubs and young trees and multiple mulching, afterwards the special mixture of grass and herbal species was sown. At the end of vegetation season, grass species are already prevailing in the area.

Restoration works are planned also for 2015, because of high amount of invasive species and weeds (i.e. Ambrosia sp., Cirsium sp.) within both locations.