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Activities and results

A. Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans

A.1: Elaboration of management plans for selected SCIs 
- 4 management plans will be elaborated and approved before the end of the project for the following SCIs: Horný les,  Devínska Kobyla,  Ostrovné lúčky and  Devínske alúvium Moravy, which will be serving as models for other SCIs management planning in the future

- 3 management plans are elaborated for SAC Horný les, Devínske jazero, Devínska  Kobyla

- now is ongoing the phase of commenting and consulting

 A.2: Preparation of expert study on restoration and management of forest habitats
- study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action C.1. Three main activities are: a) planting of native tree species, b) removal of invasive species, c) preserving of valuable trees and modification of logging.
- study elaborated 

A.3: Preparation of expert study on restoration of forest steppe habitats
- study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action
- study elaborated

A.4: Preparation of expert study on restoration of grassland habitats 
- study on restoration of grassland habitats is focusing on Abrod, Devínska Kobyla, Devínske alúvium Moravy, Devínske jazero. Restoration study is based on habitat mapping, taking into account specifics of focused habitats
- study elaborated

A.5: Preparation of expert study on restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing
- study serves as a base document for implementation of concrete conservation measures in frame of the action C.4
- study elaborated

A.6: Preparation of expert study and technical documentation on restoration of water and wetland habitats 
- studies for major restoration (large-scale restoration) of the main side arms of Danube are finished. The studies deal with historical changes in the side arms, evaluate the transverse and longitudinal profiles of the riverbeds and identify the barriers which need to be removed to ensure the restoration

- expert study for Devínske sidearm - finished, expert study for Karloveské sidearm - finished, expert study for Starohájske sidearm - finished

- technical documentation for Devínske sidearm - finished, technical documentation for Karloveské sidearm - finished, technical documentation for Starohájske sidearm – in realization

A.7: Preparation of expert study on restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves
- study will collect information and analyse current distribution of targeted habitats, historical data on their state and distribution, current conservation status, current land use (if there is any), threats and legal ownership status. Based on this, the study will propose the most appropriate actions to achieve best restoration results
- study elaborated

B. Purchase/ lease of land and/or compensation payments for use rights

 B.1:  Long-term lease of land 
- together 70 ha of acres for period of 30 years will be rented, action is connected to needs of the concrete conservation measures, which are based on the results of preparatory actions (expert studies). Detailed analyses of land ownership have been elaborated for priority areas for land leas

- First lease of land: 4.2.2014

- Were signed land lease contracts with land communities of Vojka nad Dunajom, Dobrohošť and Kyselica in SAC Danube floodplain forest

- On the leased land is realising activities: C.1 – removal of invasive species, C.1 – Planting of native tree species, C.5 Restoration of water and wetland habitats

C. Concrete conservation actions

C.1: Restoration and management of forest habitats
- activity consists of three main activities: a) removal of invasive species (at 420 ha) b) planting of native tree species (45 000 trees) and c) marking and preserving valuable trees (9 000) and modification of logging

a)   Planting of native tree species

- Period 2012 – 2014 were planted 36 000 native tree species

- Period 2015 – 2016 were planted 25 000 native tree species

The planting was realized especially in locality of SAC Danube floodplain forest. The planted species were: Populus x canescens, Populus alba, Populus nigra, Quercus robur, Fraxinus angustifolius, Tilia cordata and Salix alba. 

 b)    Removal of invasive species

 First period was finished in 2013 – 2014. After two interventions were eliminated invasive species of trees, especially Tree of heaven in localities SAC Danube floodplain forest, SPA Bratislava floodplain forest and SAC Ostrovné lúčky on the area of 100 ha.

 Second period finishd in 2015 - 2016. Remove of invasive species in SPA Dunajské luhy, SPA Bratislavské luhy a SPA Ostrovné lúčky

 c)    Marking and preserving valuable trees and modification of logging

 Since the beginning of the project there is intensive communication with land owners and managers of forest cover. Since 2015 BROZ has been involved in the preparation of management plan of forest for the following 10    years.

C.2: Restoration of forest steppe habitats

- restoration activities focused on removal of non-native tree species and shrubs, local mulching and vegetation cutting, 115 ha of grasslands restored and prepared for grazing

- works in progress from June 2013 at SPA Šúr, SPA Ostrovné lúčky, SPA Biskupické luhy, SPA Dunajské luhy and SPA Bratislavské luhy (invasive species removal, mulching, grazing) 

C.3: Restoration of grassland habitats (DAPHNE)
- the main aim of activity is restoration of 150 ha of degraded biotops of xerotermic dry grassland, Mollinia meadows, wetlands and creation of conditions appropriate for long-term conservation managements

- The Works started in 2015, when was realized the first period in areas SAC Abrod, SAC Devínske alúvium Moravy and SPA Devínska Kobyla.

 - Works included: mulching, milling, mowing, biomass removal and injection of invasive species.

  C.4: Restoration of traditional habitat management by grazing

- grazing with breeds of animals choosen according to elaborated expert study will be realized at localities SPA Devínska Kobyla, Ostrovné lúčky and Biskupické luhy for the purpose of conservation activities at non-forest habitats, 150 goats, 100 sheep and 20 cows purchased from the project will be grazing at least 185 ha of meadows and grassland habitat

- 2013 begining of grazing at SPA Šúr and SPA Devínska Kobyla

- 2014 extension of grazing to bigger area, extension of herds

- 2015 – start of grazing in SAC Biskupice floodplain forest and establishment a new herd in SAC Devínska Kobyla

- 2016 - start fo grazing in SPA Dunajské luhy

C.5: Restoration of water and wetland habitats

- with application of appropriate hydrotechnical measures improvement of water regime of wetlands and other water habitats will be achieved at least at 6 places, the main activities are revitalisations of river side-arms (Devínske, Karloveské, Starohájske), migration barriers will be removed and appropriate conditions for reproduction of fish and amphibians

- 10/2014 - building approval for river restoration of Devinske side-arm

- 11/2014 - contract with provider of technical works at Devinske side-arm signed, begining of works planned for January 2015 

- April 2015 – finishing the restoration of Devínske rameno river branch

- 2015 – obtaining documents and consulting the intention of Restoration of Karloveské rameno River branch

- May 2016 – finishing the restoration o Karloveské rameno River branch

- 2016 - start restoration of wetlands habitats - Dunajské Kriviny in SPA Dunajské luhy

- 2017 - finishing the second period of restoration wetland habitat - Dunajské Kriviny in SPA Dunajské luhy in the cadastral territory Dobrohošť

C.6: Restoration and protection of rocky habitats and caves 

- restoration activities will be realized at 1,67 ha and will be covering removal of non-native tree species and bushes, building of barriers for the purpose of regulation of tourism (partial or complete prohibition)

- works started in February 2013 at SPA Devinska Kobyla, removal of non-native tree species and bushes

 - 2016 – preparatory works and obtaining documents for the restoration of object Dolné prepadlé in SPA Homoľské Karpaty

- 2016 - realization of Medené Hámre adit restoration in SPA Homoľské Karpaty

- 2017 - Accesing of Slovinec adit in the cadastral territory Bratislava - Devín

C.7: Regulation of disturbing human impact on habitats and species (SNC SR)

- system of patrolling the selected protected areas, disturbing of protected species and negative impact at target biotops will be reduced after implementation of tourism control provided by rangers, the part of this activity is also control of illegal accesses to project site, events with volunteers focused on litter removal, border marking and restoration of tourist infrastructure at SPA Devinska Kobyla

- permanent activities of 2 professional rangers at several project sites

- restoration of border marking

-regular controls with local Police forces

- events with volunteers focused on litter removal

- prohibition of access to SPA Ostrovne lucky and SPA Devinska Kobyla

- installation of infopanels

- restoration of hicking trail in National nature reserve Devínska Kobyla

- installation of new gazebos and brenches for visitors to the National Nature Reserve Devínska Kobyla


 D. Public awareness and dissenation

D.1: Web site development and maintenance
- public and stakeholders as well will get access to information about project activities and results thanks to web page, which is available in 4 language versions (SK, Hu, DE, EN)
- webpage initiated and updated regularly 

D.2: Communication and regular meetings with key stakeholders and decision makers, preparation of expert workshops and seminars, sharing of experience
- regular communication with stakeholders including organisation of workshops and seminars for the purpose to discuss actual nature conservation issues associated with planning of project activities and appropriate management plans

- regular meetings with stakeholders (owners, users of lands, experts, interest groups, self-government)

- 10 methodological workshops organised

- 3 two-day excursions for stakeholders realized in National Park Donau-Auen and in Morava floodplain forest with demostration of grazing and forest managment in protected areas and in project area SPA Dunajské luhy, which      was focusing on Danube floodplain forest in this area

D.3: Environmental awareness raising and improvement of interpretation value of NATURA 2000 sites (DAPHNE)

-     7 educational elements in SPA Devínska Kobyla

-     30  big information panels will be installed at project localities

-     20 small information panels will be installed

D.4: Publishing of information, educational and promotional materials

- for the purpose of public awareness about project activities  different types of leaflets, brochures, maps, stickers, calendars, textile bags, T-shirts or magnets will be produced

- 2012 project calendar for year 2013 produced

- 2013 project leaflet in 4 language versions produced

- 2013 project calendar for year 2014 produced

- 2014 project stickers in different language versions (see "Downloads") produced

- 2014 brochure about Szigetkoz (HU) produced 

 - 2014 – project calendar for 2015 produced

 - 2015 – T-shirts and textile bags with the project theme produced

 - 2015 – project calendar for 2016 produced

-2016 - project magnets produced

- 2016 - reprint of project leaflet

- 2017 - reprint of project T-shirts and textile bags

D.5: Elaboration and implementation of complex educational programs on the NATURA 2000 in the region for schools (DAPHNE)

- 2015 – complex educational program created

- 2016 – memory game, worksheets printed

D.6: Installation of wildlife watching hides (Pisztrangkor)

- 6 watching hides in project area Sgigetkoz (HU) created

- installation of watching hides in SPA Hrušov

D.7: Promotional and educational films

- 2 documentary films will be elaborated 
- creation of separate movie sequences created and published online 

- 2017 - creation of short documentary film about restoration of Karolveské rameno river branch

- 2017 - creation of project film Bratislava - the town in the middle of nature: projected on festival Hory a mesto 2017, where was awarded and on the festival Ekotopfilm 2017

D.8: Education, training and exchange of know-how aimed at nature and visitor management (NPDA)
- training for project team focused on topic tourism management in protected areas will be organised
- 2013 -study visit for project personnel organised in NP Donau-Auen organized
- 2014 -study visit for project personnel organised in Szigetkoz and in SPA Devinska Kobyla organized

D.9: Presentations for students, teachers and public, guided walks and excursions in SK-HU-AT trilateral cross-border area

- from the beginning of the project are organizing a lot of excursions and presantations, which are focused on propagation of project activities and project areas

D.10: Promotion of project on conferences and in media 
- project will be presented at 5 conferences, 7 press releases, 35 print and web articles will be published in media, 10 radio outputs and 5 TV outputs

- Project was presented at 7 conferences, 6 press conferences. Were published 14 press releases, 167 articles in prin and online media. And were realized 10 radio an 42 TV outputs 

- Because of the localization of the most of activities in closeness or directly in Bratislava, there put emphasis on intensive communication planned and realised activities

E.1 Project management by BROZ
E.2 Project bookkeeping and financial management 
E.3 Monitoring of impact of project actions on target habitats
- monitoring of vegetation at selected localities focused on monitoring of impact of conservation management activities on vegetation 
- ongoing monitoring of selected fauna species focused on documentation of changes after revitalisation activities
- finalization of monitoring report for the period 2012

E.4 Monitoring of impact of project actions on main fauna species
E.5 Networking with other projects


- 2012 – netoworking with CHKO České Středohoří


- 2012 – networking in Czech republic


- 2012 – netorking about grazing, Prague, Czech republic


- 2012 – networking with LIFE+ „Pannon gyepek élőhelykezelése magyarországon“, Maďarsko


- 2012 – networking about grazing, OZ Manner, južná Morava


- 2013 –  networking about river restoration, project LIFE “Lower Morava Floodplains”


- 2016 – networking with project LIFE11 NAT/SI/882


- 2017 - networking with project LIFE14/SK/001306


- 2017 - networking with project LIFE Restoration of the Lower Morava Floodplains

E.6 Project auditing
E.7 After-LIFE conservation plan